Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse - Preparation

Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse 

Last Night, I decided to try a fruit and vegetable cleanse. After searching the web, I found the Dr. Oz 3-day cleanse to be most appealing. After work, I went to Stop and Shop to purchase the following items:

$65 dollars later, I was good to go! I went home and started preparing liquid meals for the next day. This entailed chopping up all kinds of fruits & veggies and blending them in my super awesome blender (I bought it last year on Rui La La and love it!). Stay tuned for DAY ONE RESULTS!

3-Day Cheat Sheet!
Link: Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse One-Sheet

Loving the Run,

Dana Farber Marathon Page - http://www.runDFMC.org/2013/christinal

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Cold = Lame

2 Months. 19 days

Two Months and 19 days from now I will be at the starting line in Hopkinton, MA! I am already excited, nervous BUT determined.

What I love most about Marathon training is the small goals that I achieve every single week. For instance, last week I ran a whopping 16 miles! - 10 more and I am at the finish line...

Cold = Lame
This weekend is a bit different, its insanely cold. So cold that the team DFMC run was cancelled, what a bummer! So, I am going to meet my brother for a workout mid-day then meet Amanda (fellow DFMC runner and friend) for a solid 10 mile run tomorrow AM.

More to come!

Loving the Run,

Dana Farber Marathon Page - http://www.runDFMC.org/2013/christinal

PS I was in the Improper Bostonian Last week:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Training Recap!!

3 Months. 1 Day

I swear, I have not forgotten about my blog!

At this point I can honestly say that I AM LOVING Marathon Training! I have been using my NEW Nike+ GPS watch to track all my runs. Also, the group runs w/ Dana Farber are going to be key drivers of my my success. I have established 2 goals for my training... more details to come on achieving these goals: 

  • Goal 1: Get to the line on April 15th as healthy as possible!
  • Goal 2: On long runs, remain at a 10/ min mile pace

Saturday, 1.12.2012
Greater Boston Running Company, Lexington, MA

Boom! Busted out an a 12.5 miles run! I was able to achieve this mileage because of the group of people I ran with. 

Amanda and I with a few DFMC Teammates
Loving the Run,

Dana Farber Marathon Page - http://www.runDFMC.org/2013/christinal

First DFMC Group Run - confidence run!

Sunday 1.6.2012

12 Miles - Mt. Auburn Club (Watertown) (map) - confidence run! 

At this point in my training, I did not think I could run 12 miles- but I did! Now, I am even more confident that I will be able to run 26.2 miles come April 15th. I ran with a few exceptional women from Marblehead, MA. One woman shared her story about her own fitness training group- Tread Tabata. This is an energetic Tabata workout which utilizes quick runs on the treadmill followed by circuit type training for multiple rounds - love it and want to try it!

Links to her pages:

Course Details:
11.7 miles, 1,326 Cals, 9'30/MI Avg Pace

Loving the Run,

Dana Farber Marathon Page - http://www.runDFMC.org/2013/christinal